I will be enrolled at American University for the spring semester in the "International Environment and Development" program. For roughly three months I will be taking seminar classes, researching, exploring DC, and going to my internship two days a week. (I am in the process of applying to internships now. More on that to come!)
While I am at AU, I will be living with a fellow St. Mike's student & friend, Kim. She is doing the "International Law and Organizations" program.
The last month of my program (April 5th to 21st), we will travel to Ghana (Africa) and explore international development issues at the source. I am most looking forward to this part of the semester.
That's about as much as I know about my upcoming semester so far. My parents are driving me down on January 5th (8 hour drive... piece of cake) and I move in on the 6th.
I think I will end this post with a few pictures from DC when I was there for President Obama's Inauguration. I can't wait to go back!

Our view during the ceremony.

Yes, that's Anderson Cooper!

The amazing concert at the Lincoln Memorial
the day before. Bruce Springsteen is on the screen.

Millions of people. Not good for us short,
claustrophobic people.

I <3 America
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