Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

and i have been a very bad blogger. March was just a too crazy month and to be honest I am glad it's nearly over. Seems like march 2010 came in like a lion and stayed that way. But enough with the Debbie Downs, it wasn't really that bad. The highlight is definitely the BEAUTIFUL cherry blossoms that really are everywhere! I will try to run through updates on life in my favorite and shortest way- a top 10 list!

1. I am updating this tonight because my other option is working on my research paper.

2. My other form of procrastination/avoiding my paper has been PACKING FOR GHANA & I LEAVE MONDAY!

3. I've also been thinking a lot about future/ post grad plans but will figure more of that out after my international adventure.

4. I got a new ipod, the (red) one that has a Zimbabwean proverb on the back, "if you can walk, you can dance. if you can talk, you can sing."

5. YAY Healthcare! I would totally complain about how it didn't go far enough and too many compromise blah blah. But to be honest, I think us 20 somethings made out pretty well. WAY better student loan process and I can stay on Momma Bailey's plan 'til I'm 26! I'm okay with that.

6. Roomie Kim has returned from gallivanting across Europe. Though I did enjoy the room to myself, I'm glad to have her back with me to have Lady Gaga dance parties and watch 16 & Pregnant with me.

7. Do not hate on 16 & Pregnant unless you have seen it. and did you know Bad Romance's music video is about sex trafficking and takes place in a Russian Bath House?

8. I've been working hard at Jubilee USA and was sad that today was my third to last day. (last before Ghana, only 2 days when I get back.) I've been learning so much about the way advocacy works from the media angle and like it so much better than grassroots work.

9. Speaking of media vs. grassroots. I'm somewhat-frantically looking for a summer job. I have a few good options I really want and hope to live in Boston (with Grams). All suggestions are welcome.

10. Finally. Holy crap, I'm going to Ghana! I usually don't get excited about trips but I am really pumping myself up for this. My class has fundraised thousands of dollars, bought out entire drug stores worth of food & meds, and has played "Bad Things are Happening Bingo" to prepare. I will do my best to update one final time before I leave, but have high expectations for when I am there/back with some great stories and pictures.